Brynn Cicippio in Philly Magazine: Strategies for taking care of your mental and emotional health
BCA Founder Brynn Cicippio shares specific coping skills to support your mental and emotional health.
10 Mental Health Tips for When Life Feels Out of Your Control (phillymag.com
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How to overcome grieving?
Grief is painful emotional process that is not easy to deal with. You may have lost a family member, spouse, friend, or a pet. No matter your loss, be honest with yourself. The one way to heal is to process and come to terms with your emotions. Seeking therapy after a loss can help you overcome anxiety and depression by processing your experience at your own pace.
Things you can do to feel better if you’re grieving is practicing self-care which is critical component of the grieving process. In addition to participating therapy consider things you can do to take care of yourself. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Stop drinking.
- Taking nature walks.
- Practice mediating.
- Spending time with family and friends.
- Having a set schedule.
- Reading books.
- Get physical activity daily
If you are suffering from grief to cope with grief in Wayne or Yardley area, talk to a therapist at BCA Therapy. We are specialized to help you and will help you through these times.

Living with Anxiety
Some days, the goal is to win over anxiety, show up and face the day. But it is important to breathe and keep going. This is completely normal! But what is anxiety? Anxiety is the mind and body’s reaction to stressful, dangerous, or unfamiliar situations. It’s the sese of uneasiness, distress, or dread you feel before a significant event. Anxiety does not like big crowds, plans changing at the last minute, the unknown, new situations, and loud noise. Anxiety likes to be in control, having a routine and schedule, reassurance, being extra careful, and being alert at all times. This is what is looks like to have anxiety.
Things you didn’t know were anxiety:
- Pleasure to be perfect.
- Thinking everyone is judging you.
- Trying to meet everyone’s standard.
- Rethinking your decision.
- Irrational fears.
- Chronic stomach pain.
Anxiety can also grow throughout your body, but you can do the work to calm your nerves. One step is to visit BCA Therapy, because we have therapists who specialize in anxiety and can help look deeper, uncovering additional life factors that lead to out-of-control feelings. We have locations in Bucks County and the Main Line area that you can visit.

Narcissists Can Impact Your Life for the Worse!
Recovering for narcisstic abuse is possible, but it requires an incredible amount of strength and courage. Courage that you absolutely possess, if you’re willing to “Do the Work”. At BCA Therapy we have therapists in Yardley and Wayne, Pennsylvania that specialize in narcissistic abuse and are here to support you on this journey of recovery. Yourself respect has to run deeper than your feelings. Loving someone isn’t a reason to stay with someone who is continuously hurting you and disrespecting you. This is what is called a toxic relationship. If you do not take the first step and do the right thing by leaving the narcissist this will affect your mental health.
How can a narcissist impact your life? Let’s look at the jar here is how:
How much more are you going to take from a narcissist? Don’t you think it’s time to get away from them? The answer is you should take no more from them and get away from them. They are ruining your mental health. The jar can only hold so much just like your emotions! Don’t let it get that full before it overflows. This requires courage and strength to stay away from narcissists. But at BCA Therapy, we believe everyone is capable of doing this if you are willing to put the work in and do so. It will be so worth it, and the extra baggage will be lifted off you mentally.
Visit BCA Therapy we are located in the Bucks County and on the Main Line in Wayne, Pennsylvania! We have therapists that specialize in narcissistic abuse can help support you on your journey to recovery.
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Untreated Trauma is a Recipe for Relapse
Untreated trauma is a recipe for relapse. We can have all the coping skills, support teams, and relapse prevention plans at our disposal. But if we are getting to the root of it, if we aren’t talking about those incredibly hard to talk about things, relapse is pretty much inevitable. Go as slow as you need but also give yourself the gift of true recovery and do the work.
The most common ways past trauma can lead to relapse is if you attempt to fight your addiction without professional help. Most treatment programs involve a certain degree of cognitive behavioral therapy and counseling that address your personal history and underlying emotions that may prevent recovery. PTSD can be difficult to treat, when left untreated, the mental health condition can cause significant psychological, physical, and social issues. Not only are veterans with PTSD at risk of suffering emotionally, but the condition puts them at an increased risk for severe life-threatening conditions.
Therapy can support anyone who has experiences trauma, no matter how bigger or how small you think it may be. Therapy can help you:
- Develop New Coping Skills
Limit Negative Thoughts
- Sleep Better
- Put Feeling into Words
- Decrease Anxiety
- Limit Depression
- Improve Relationships
The effects of trauma do not have to last a lifetime. At BCA Therapy, we are here to help. BCA Therapy is located in Wayne, PA and Yardley, PA. We want to help you treat your untreated trauma.
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