Living with Anxiety
Some days, the goal is to win over anxiety, show up and face the day. But it is important to breathe and keep going. This is completely normal! But what is anxiety? Anxiety is the mind and body’s reaction to stressful, dangerous, or unfamiliar situations. It’s the sese of uneasiness, distress, or dread you feel before a significant event. Anxiety does not like big crowds, plans changing at the last minute, the unknown, new situations, and loud noise. Anxiety likes to be in control, having a routine and schedule, reassurance, being extra careful, and being alert at all times. This is what is looks like to have anxiety.
Things you didn’t know were anxiety:
- Pleasure to be perfect.
- Thinking everyone is judging you.
- Trying to meet everyone’s standard.
- Rethinking your decision.
- Irrational fears.
- Chronic stomach pain.
Anxiety can also grow throughout your body, but you can do the work to calm your nerves. One step is to visit BCA Therapy, because we have therapists who specialize in anxiety and can help look deeper, uncovering additional life factors that lead to out-of-control feelings. We have locations in Bucks County and the Main Line area that you can visit.
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